Master Workshop

Armin and Mario Gropp
Armin and Mario Gropp

Master luthier Armin Gropp has over 55 years of experience in instrument making. Until February 2013 he has shared this experience with the students at the Department of Musical Instrument Making, Markneukirchen of the University of Applied Sciences, where he was been teaching luthiery since 1993.
In our workshop, he specialises in building our high-quality student guitars and historical plucked instruments.
The fine quality of his instruments earned him the title of “Anerkannter Kunstschaffender”, 1983 (Recognised Artistic Craftsman) and the “Ehrenpreis im Musikinstrumentenbau”, 1987 (Honours Prize for Musical Instrument Making).

Master luthier Mario Gropp has over 30 years of professional experience. He studied the classical guitar for many years, which gives him a player’s perspective on many problems confronting guitarists and enables him to set up all Gropp guitar models for maximum playability as well as to cater for the specific wishes of our customers.
Since 1997 he has focused intensively on the construction and tonal refinement of our workshop’s high-end “Spezial” models.
Outstanding guitarists all over the world appreciate the fine sound of his instruments. In addition to building guitars with a normal scale length (650mm and 660mm), he has worked intensively since 1999 on developing top-quality guitars with shorter scales (630mm, and 640mm and 580mm since July 2006). These smaller guitars too meet the highest artistic expectations.